Friday, September 4, 2009

Amazing Research I had to Share

I am once again overwhelmed by the power of physical activity. Working in the industry you often are front row to the amazing stories and effects of being active. Most of us are well versed in the general health benefits, but increasingly new research is providing evidence of the incredible range of positive benefits.

I have known that physical activity has a great effect on cognitive functioning - reading, writing, etc. But I have never before seen such a clear-cut example of this aspect in action until I saw a documentary on CBC a few nights ago.

This is the link to interACTIVE. Its the latest story on "This Just In...". Amazing stuff I had to share!

FYI: Its been a crazy month! I have so much to share (personal training, VIP visits, sport...) and will post soon!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Latest Project Comes Back Great

Just a quick post this morning - I have been working lots with Media and PR, and I wanted to share a finished project. I coordinated this shoot with the NBC Today Show shoot. Here's the final product. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

6-Pack Abs with Ryan

Everyone had a chance to take a look at my Pilates experience, which targets among other things, your core. Immediately following that class, Ryan (a trainer you may remember from such webisodes as "The Weigh In, Part 1") invited me to his 6-Pack Abs class. Back-to-back core work - what could be better.

Now, these blogs on drop-in classes and programing often cut out a lot of the information: demo's, safety points, etc. But it also cuts out many of the movement options that the fitness leaders provide: from beginner and intermediate, to advanced. I have learned that I repeatedly choose the hardest movements and put my body through as much physical stress as possible. This class was no different. At the start of the class I felt great, then came the planks... and it all quickly deteriorated.

Aside from choosing to push myself to the limit (notice the plank tremble), Ryan was great and so was this class. 6-Pack Abs is a class (approx. 30-40mins) that runs on the lunch hour. So members get the opportunity to blast their core, and get back to their desk on time. So convenient. I highly recommend this class it was "muy beuno", and I will be back!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Skating Lessons


I have been looking forward to skating lessons for a long time. People who have been taking lessons have been RAVING about them. And I played hockey and long, long, long time ago... and I used to be pretty good (for a 9 yr old). I was looking forward to seeing how my skills had deteriorated over time. See for yourself... I describe them as 'Awkward and Terrible', but regardless had a fabulous time on the Olympic Oval Ice!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

'Lets giv'er the ol'heave ho.' - Pilates with Joan

I had taken three pilates courses before in my CSEE program, and somewhat new what to expect in this drop-in class: mat work, body weight, and lengthening of muscles. What I had forgotten completely about is how much internal body awareness and control it takes to do pilates correctly.

Stacking vertebrae, rolling up and down, and controlling the mid-section during lengthening movements for me, is more taxing mentally then physically. Having proper posture and form along with sequencing your muscle contractions is something that takes more then a few intro sessions to be second nature at. Mad respect to Pilates... mad respect to my instructor, Joan.

Joan was so funny... taught everyone (including 3 beginners) so well with humour and definitely created a relaxed atmosphere. Loved the moves (and will steal many of them to update my ab routine) and completely fell in love with some of the more… interesting moves like the seal.

You know, I've read a few times that the first strength gains in physical activity is not due to muscle adaptation, but because of the brain learning how to fire what synapses and in what order to efficiently move. Pilates was great class to remind me that the mind is what counts, and learning body awareness is something a lot of us take for granted.

Thanks Joan! Definitely looking forward to Gyrokinesis!


I was lucky enough to catch most of Sunday's games at the Dolphin tournament this weekend. And it reminded me why I love the game of basketball. It is a perfect combination and application of power and skill. And its in an open environment where vision and anticipation are so crucial. 

But more then that... it has the power to bring people together. Handshakes, hugs, and pounds were out in full force this weekend. Ballers catching up with ballers. And although I personally didn't really know a lot of people there, it reminded me of may baby - the the Support the Court Sanctuary Tourney - where each year I get to come together with good friends from what seems like a lifetime ago...

Today the Dolphin tournament reminded that I am thankful for sport.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to interACTIVE

Today, July 17th, is the day of the interACTIVE web launch. interACTIVE is an initiative designed by myself to make the Oval webpage more... well... interactive. On this page you will find the brightest minds, elite athletes, events, research, and Oval trainers coming together to help people on their fitness journey.

Also launching today is a network of social media. What does that mean? It means a brand new facebook page, youtube channel, and lots of Tweets!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I have been thinking for the past 5 minutes how to describe my NIA experience... and I can't really. It was like a cosmic collision of modern dance, yoga, martial arts, and my child hood.

Here is the class descriptions from the fitness department:

Nia, is a fun and energizing fitness dance practice that teaches you to be more joyful, expressive, and alive in your body. Nia is instructor led fusion fitness drawing from dance, martial, and healing arts and is taught to diverse and inspiring music. Strengthens, improves balance and nourishes the spirit. Nia is practiced by people of all walks of life, ages, and fitness levels.

This was so much fun. It reminded me of a modern dance class I took at CUCA for my fine art credits! AND I got some sweeeeeet video. The first video is an 'About NIA', the second one is me doing my best to keep up in the class. You can tell, I have so much fun in this class!

PS: I butcher all the moves... but that reminds me a one of the critical rules of NIA - there is no 'right' movement. Like we say at Oval Kids - Every move is a good move!

The Weigh In... Part 2 (the Great Scale Debate)

So Salmon Fest has run its course, and I am up and at em' early to get my weigh-in finalized. Pat, one of our fabulous trainers was working, and we had a great chat about why you will be hard pressed to find a scale on the fitness mezzanine. The fitness staff had voted on not having the scale out in the open. Of course I asked why... and the argument makes sense.

I will do my best to paraphrase....

When you are physically active you burn fat and build lean muscle mass. This does three things (much more of course, but three for now). First you will find that your energy increases, second you will in fact gain weight since muscle weighs more then fat, and third as you burn fat your measurements and inches will shrink.

So when you look at the results of physical activity, relying on a weight measurement can very much be misleading and even discouraging. Sometimes the numbers, when we speak of weight, lie.

It goes back to what my former professor Ali Wilson said many, many, many times in Sociology of Sport: "Its all about the process". Or if you go to a basketball camp with J Mottl as a coach, "Process, not Result". It is much, much better to focus on the process of getting to the destination, then the destination itself.

Now I really wanted to sum that up because the video cut off this great conversation with Pat. This is definately only one side to the 'Great Scale Debate' however. This is a good reminder for me when I finally sit down and redo my goals. I will definately be setting process goals.

Anyways check out the video, sorry there is so much feet. Because I asked so nicely we brought out the scale from the back and I set my weight and body fat baseline!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Salmon Festivus for the Rest-of-Us

"Sure, I'll organize the parade!"

When I was a kid we would go with my Grandma to the 'May Day' parade in Cumberland. One year I dressed up as a jester and won $10 for Best Comic Releif. The parade had a bands, some floats, and lots of candy. For those who don't know, Cumberland is a small town just west of Courtenay, and the May Day parade was a small parade. So when I was asked to organize the Oval contingent for the Salmon Fest in Steveston, I said no problem. I mean how big could it be...

Well, I know now that Salmon Fest is the littlest big birthday party that Canada throws on July 1st. And that it usually draws around 70,000 people (this year 100,000). Needless to say, being a rookie at parading, I was in slightly over my head. But with a lot of help, the parade went off without a hitch. We gave away free passes and promo's for our Oval Kids Summer Camps and our Summer Gold 3 month for $100, along with flyers, totes, and yo-yo's. By far we had the best shwag there! Check out the photo's.

AND with some help I got a hold of a Salmon mascot costume! As you can see it was a sauna in there! The only way I survived was to have Angela and Pat duct tap ice packs to my chest! Oh but what glory... Salmon Man... majestic.

When I can, I'll try to get a hold of some video.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Weigh In... Part 1

So it was time to see whether my previous hard work had paid off. Through the Spring I had been very physically active, but noticed that the pounds just weren't coming off like they use to.

It's funny, I use to work out like a demon when I played college ball - but the motivation slowly drains away once those varsity days pass. Then, before you know it, the metabolism slows down. Next thing you know you have your mind so caught up in work that it seems impossible to find time to exercise. The result... the only six pack you see is on friday nights...

I didn't get a chance to weigh in until after a very busy day at work (suprise), and the readings were off. In the video, Ryan explains the pit-falls of a BIA
(bio-electrical impedance analysis) including dehydration and an empty stomach.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Transformed into a puddle on the floor....

So let me tell you about the Transformer

The transformer is a group fitness class offered at the Oval. For me, it was not only my first drop-in classes at the Oval, it was my first group class ever! I was a little nervous… I didn’t know what to expect. Angela was teaching and in no time had me lunging, curling, lifting, sliding, stepping, until I was “transformed” into a puddle of sweat on the floor - Such a good workout! But remember a water bottle, I’ll only make that mistake once.

For all those guys out there that used to be like me, and have never tried a fitness class – try it! I’m a believer.

Angela – see you next class!

So it took me a little while, but this Wednesday seemed like a good day to try out my second ever fitness class. This one is the
30-30-30. The premise is cram three separate workouts into one class… and if you don’t have much time you can duck out after one of the segments. I have the time… so went for the full 90, and again, Angela worked me over.

The class started with a Bosu ball session, then moved to mat work, and wrapped up with stretching. Again the high energy class tuckered me out… it was a slow ride home afterwards. But the 90 minute class was great because I am travelling back to the island and need to off-set the barley sandwiches!

PS: The abdominal work was crazy… I’ll have my six-pack back in no time if I keep coming to drop-in fitness classes! …hmmm maybe an Ab specific class next time???

PPS: I really want to get a camera into these classes but havn't worked up the courage to bring one in... next time.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Touring the Oval

So I took the “official” tour last week.

The first thing I have to say is, wow!

The Second thing I have to say is, everybody has to check out the tour! I knew this place was big, but I didn’t know this place was so crazy… pine beetle wood, recycled water… check out the carvings on the down spouts… there’s too much for me to talk about. But seriously - take the tour, SO worth it!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Introductions from beautiful Black Creek, BC

Hey everyone, my name is Jordan… I’m interning at the Richmond Olympic Oval. My first day was on May 11th and since then I have been getting a crash course from some of the leaders in the sport industry.

I never thought I would start a blog, but here I am. The plan is to take advantage of all the opportunities available to me at the Oval. It coincides with my intern responsibilities, the most recent one - to make the Oval website more engaging.

So, on top of all the great stuff you're going to find on here, check out, there is a lot more info, video, and pics to go along with this blog. That website is going to launch next Tuesday, the 14th.

I’m going to try out as much stuff as I can here at the Oval and let you know how it goes. And I promise to hyperlink and give as much multimedia as I can.

So, with that in mind I am posting a few video's of my past week or so. So check em out.


PS: I love this job!